7 ingredients for a successful family literacy program

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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)


Children who grow up in a “language poor” environment have an increased chance of becoming adults with low literacy. Libraries can be a key partner breaking this cycle of low literacy by organizing family literacy programs. Stimulating literacy activities works best when the whole family is involved. In this poster we will present seven ingredients help you to implement a successful family literacy program in your own local community. These ingredients are distilled from the evaluation research ITTA did on the nationwide project Kwaliteitsimpuls laagtaalvaardige ouders, ran by the KB National Library of the Netherlands in 2021-2022. In this project, public libraries received a financial impulse to experiment or further strengthen family literacy activities in their local communities. Library employees were also offered free training to form a long term policy on family literacy, build sustainable collaborations with partner organizations and to gain necessary skills and expertise. Nearly 80% of all Dutch public library organizations participated. The seven ingredients for a successful family literacy program will guide you on two main topics. Firstly, how to organize high qualitative and activating activities for caretakers and children? And secondly, what does this program mean for your library organization and your local partners?



Subject::Literacy, Subject::Reading promotion, Subject::Intergenerational literacies, Subject::Library services to children
