World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) Materials


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    Las bibliotecas como guardianas y difusoras de información del conflicto en Colombia diapositivas
    (2023-07-28) Márquez-Bustos, Natalia
    The Colombian armed conflict, which has lasted over six decades, has left a deep impact on the country and over 8 million victims. As Colombia slowly moves towards a post-conflict era, documenting and preserving the truth about the events that occurred during the conflict is crucial for the country's reconciliation and future development. The Colombian government established the Truth Commission to investigate and document human rights violations committed during the conflict. However, the dissemination of this information to the public remains a significant challenge. This paper examines the role of libraries in preserving and disseminating information related to the conflict and, specially, the Truth Commission's report, which was published last year. The paper poses the question: how are libraries contributing to the dissemination of information related to the Colombian conflict, and what challenges do they face in doing so? To answer this question, the paper collects several strategies created by libraries and draws on interviews with librarians from institutions such as the Library of the Central Bank of Colombia and the National Center of Historical Memory. The paper argues that libraries play a critical role in disseminating information related to the Colombian conflict Furthermore, the paper identifies several challenges faced by libraries in the process and the solutions they have found to overcome them. These include: the importance of approaching the conflict from a human and ethical perspective, the use of technologies to reach remote communities, the need for interdisciplinary training for librarians, the importance of creating accessible narratives for the public, and collaborating with both public and private actors to enrich the work of libraries. The findings of this study have implications for other conflict zones around the world, as they shed light on libraries’ best practices and lessons learned in the pursuit of a lasting peace.
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    Libraries as Preservers and Disseminators of Information Related to the Colombian Conflict and the Truth Commission Report
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-07-28) Márquez-Bustos, Natalia
    The Colombian armed conflict, which has lasted over six decades, has left a deep impact on the country and over 8 million victims. As Colombia slowly moves towards a post-conflict era, documenting and preserving the truth about the events that occurred during the conflict is crucial for the country's reconciliation and future development. The Colombian government established the Truth Commission to investigate and document human rights violations committed during the conflict. However, the dissemination of this information to the public remains a significant challenge. This paper examines the role of libraries in preserving and disseminating information related to the conflict and, specially, the Truth Commission's report, which was published last year. The paper poses the question: how are libraries contributing to the dissemination of information related to the Colombian conflict, and what challenges do they face in doing so? To answer this question, the paper collects several strategies created by libraries and draws on interviews with librarians from institutions such as the Library of the Central Bank of Colombia and the National Center of Historical Memory. The paper argues that libraries play a critical role in disseminating information related to the Colombian conflict Furthermore, the paper identifies several challenges faced by libraries in the process and the solutions they have found to overcome them. These include: the importance of approaching the conflict from a human and ethical perspective, the use of technologies to reach remote communities, the need for interdisciplinary training for librarians, the importance of creating accessible narratives for the public, and collaborating with both public and private actors to enrich the work of libraries. The findings of this study have implications for other conflict zones around the world, as they shed light on libraries’ best practices and lessons learned in the pursuit of a lasting peace.
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    International Library Cooperation and Trusted News in Times of War. Ukraine Art Aid Center
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-07) Bohn, Anna; Hamann, Olaf
    This study explores the collaborative efforts of libraries within the Ukraine Art Aid Center network, dedicated to preserving cultural heritage during times of war. Emphasizing the vital role of international library cooperation, we investigate the dissemination of trusted news in the Russo-Ukrainian war. The first section examines Russia's use of (dis-)information as a weapon in the ongoing war. The second section clarifies key terminology distinctions related to disinformation, misinformation, fake news and deep fakes. In the third section, we scrutinize the importance of accurate language and wording to avoid manipulation and disinformation. The fourth section explores strategies to counter disinformation, empowering individuals to make informed decisions. Section five highlights the support provided by international library networks in aiding libraries and societies under attack, focusing on the Ukraine Art Aid Center (Zentrum Kulturgutschutz Ukraine). The sixth section presents curated information services and reliable news sources from Ukraine and exiled Russian media. The seventh section underscores libraries' role as providers of access to reliable information on war crimes and human rights violations.
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    Lies, damn lies, and fake news: toward a library science and digital curation-oriented methodology for web archiving national news and social media
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-08-23) Smyth, Tom J.
    In recognition of their importance, the National Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has web archived Canadian news and social media since 2006. As part of our Web and Social Media Preservation Program collections development and methodological evolution, and to make advances in efficiency and in our ability to respond to and document unforeseen events of national historic or international significance, we started broadly web archiving front page news and social media from selected sources and in an automated manner in 2015. Since the web now constitutes an invaluable primary source for 21st century digital society and for the writing of future history, managed action is necessary to preserve it while it is available. The news media provides many perspectives and chronological descriptions of how any major event unfolded; social media provides the full spectrum of political, regional, economic, and cultural first-hand perspectives. This paper discusses the web archival strategies and methodologies developed at LAC that drive our news and social media evaluation and acquisition, with particular attention to the politics of “fake news”, COVID-19, and the invasion of Ukraine. It also describes the details of media collection in association with large-scale thematic web archival (research) and data collections – all of which is informed by the guiding principles of digital curation and preservation. Our deliberate targeting of 'fake news’ and 'extreme political viewpoints' will be explored, with arguments for its collection as source to support future inquiries and research in its own right. Ethical and legal considerations (or potential consequences!) libraries could face for labelling or excluding such content, and strategies for addressing this, are also provided.
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    "Nada nukuthdam", Firekeepers Initiative: Decolonizing Academic Library Collections through Community-based Participatory Archive-building
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-02-16) McAllister, Lorrie; Soto, Alexander
    This paper articulates the decolonial theories and principles that underlie the library and archives information praxis within an Indigenous-led academic center located within a major research university. The Firekeepers Initiative to develop community-based archives in collaboration with Tribal Nations in Arizona, utilizes participatory and relational methods, CARE principles, and the Protocols for Native American Archival Materials. This initiative employs Community-Driven Archives methods set forth by Godoy (2021) and seeks to decolonize higher education through Indigenous librarianship and reparative archival practice. Authors stress the importance of mindful place-making in academic libraries to elevate Indigenous voices within what are typically Western Colonial information spaces. Challenges include navigating organizational hierarchies within the academy to advocate and coordinate services and programs for Indigenous students, faculty, and their communities.
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    BiblioVerde, un espacio para la co-construcción de la educación ambiental desde las bibliotecas públicas y escolares en la ciudad de Santa Clara, Cuba
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-12-13) Alvarez Ruiz, Ricardo Luis; Caso Barreto, Anier
    Se expone la experiencia de la implementación del proyecto de educación ambiental y comunitario BiblioVerde, que desarrolla la Asociación Cubana de Bibliotecarios, en conjunto con las bibliotecas públicas y escolares de la ciudad de Santa Clara, Cuba, con la finalidad de generar en la comunidad un espacio para informar, compartir y aprender sobre horticultura y jardinería sostenible, estimulando de esa forma el consumo responsable y la protección del medio ambiente. Se describen las principales acciones desarrolladas, se muestran estadísticas del comportamiento de los diferentes servicios y se concluye con una relación de los principales resultados, entre los que se incluyen la mejora en los hábitos de consumo, la elevación de la cultura del reciclaje, el reforzamiento del papel del bibliotecario en la promoción del cuidado del medio ambiente y la visibilidad de la biblioteca. El proyecto BiblioVerde obtuvo Reconocimiento especial en el IFLA Green Library Award 2021.
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    Vocabulary Work in the Field of the Network Colonial Contexts - A workshop report
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-12-10) Strickert, Moritz
    The Germany-centred network Colonial Contexts brings together experts from different areas of the GLAM spectrum. It deals with questions of digital consolidation, processing and visibility, as well as possibilities of use of digital materials and data from colonial contexts. To ensure interconnectedness and accessibility, the use of controlled vocabulary is central. To address these issues, a separate working group has been established. The Working Group Thesauri aims to gain an overview regarding existing thesauri/vocabularies, tries to network them and discuss ethical questions when it comes to questions of naming especially regarding cultural groups. Keywords: Authority Files, Colonialism, Controlled Vocabularies, Decolonization, Library Ethics
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    The effect of Bibliotherapy on the mental health of sexually abused women and girls
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-30) Haji Zeinolabedini, Mohsen; Mojiri, Aram; Asnafi, Amir Reza
    Purpose: The main purpose of this research was to identify the effect of book therapy on the mental health of sexually abused women and girls Research method: This research is an applied research and its approach is quantitative according to the goals it pursues. The design of the current research is AB design (semi-experimental case study). This means that for each of the patients, a pre-intervention stage (A) was planned in order to determine the baseline and then the therapeutic intervention implementation stage (B). The statistical population was 5 sexually abused women and girls from the social emergency of Shahreza city. Also, sampling has been done purposefully. In this research, the General Mental Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) was used. The Bibliotherapy process was carried out in 8 sessions of 45 minutes. Findings: The results showed that people who received book therapy had a decrease in mental health scores compared to the baseline. Conclusion: The findings of the present study showed that book therapy is effective in improving the mental health of sexually abused women and girls, and it seems to be a suitable option for the mental health of sexually abused women and girls as a complementary treatment method. Keywords: book therapy, self-care, sexually abused women, sexually abused girls
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    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-23) Lujanac, Antonija; Adeyeye, Sophia
    Experimenta-OUTSIDE-CommEdu are international projects co-founded by Erasmus+ program of the European Union and developed by organizations from Croatia, UK, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Lithuania. The poster presents how the school library in Croatia participated in the projects through the research and implementation into the school curriculum. The results are available by scanning the QR codes. Results of the project are the research, a professional paper, templates of community agreements, the teacher Toolkits and the multilingual OER. Topics of the projects are SDGs, STEM, sustainable entrepreneurship, civic education, collaboration with stakeholders, outdoor learning and Open Schooling as a modern concept in Europe.
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    Small library, big ideas: supporting education on climate action
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-23) Hornung, Eva
    City of Dublin Education and Training Board (City of Dublin ETB) is the biggest learning provider in Dublin, Ireland, with over 3,000 staff and over 48,000 learners. The Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) provides staff support services which includes a one-person library. In late 2021, the CDU librarian was approached by two individual teachers (based in different parts of the organisation) who were looking for teaching resources on sustainable development and the climate crisis. She introduced them to each other and suggested to create an online community of practice (CoP) for teachers to exchange ideas and create resources. In order to advertise this new professional network, a webinar was organised with an Irish expert as keynote speaker. The session was well attended and the new CoP now has 17 members from a range of centres and colleges. It was realised quickly that the organisation needed a comprehensive strategy. Having gained support from senior management, a working group was put together (which included the librarian) to conduct a survey (June to September 2023) to capture all initiatives currently underway. The librarian will actively help shape City of Dublin ETB’s leadership role in educating citizens on sustainable development and climate action. The organisation puts the learner’s voice central to its service provision. The aim of the proposed new charter is to enable learners to become community ambassadors for action on climate, especially in marginalised groups and communities. The poster shows this journey and the outputs so far: - City of Dublin ETB has been accredited for a new 5-credit level 4 award in Environmental Sustainability Awareness and a special purpose award in climate justice (for learners and staff); - The librarian has now become involved with developing an Environmental/Sustainability policy for the whole organisation. Senior management has made this an area of priority.
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    Building a sustainable lifestyle through the IDGs.: Be -Think - Act.
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-23) Hernandez-Zaragoza, Maria Victoria; López Cuevas, Jorge
    Do we have a sustainable lifestyle? Question for everyone, LIS professionals and users. The Inner Development Goals (IDG): Be-Think-Relate-Collaborate-Act, says the IDG Initiative, contribute to developing the skills and qualities that help us lead a useful, sustainable, and productive life, individually and collectively. Human life is continuous and constant change; inner development is the axis on which human development is sustained to be-think-act-relate and collaborate in the achievement of any objective. The IDGs, in the field of scientific work are essential for LIS professionals and to be at the level of peers with users. The last 3 years have put everyone's lifestyle to the test. The effort to stay here could inspire the colleagues in the institution and others. Being-Thinking-Acting are the basis of the sustainable lifestyle that we describe here and that, like everything human, is not finished.
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    The Mississippi State University Exploration, Research, and Learning Environment (ERLE)
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-23) Pankl, Lis; Keith, Jason
    The Mitchell Memorial Library is located in the heart of the campus of Mississippi State University (MSU), a large land grant university in the southeastern United States. As part of a new strategic plan to transform the university, the role of the library will become even more important to the university community, including its 22,649 students and 1,520 faculty members (fall 2022 data). The institution's mission of being the educational and economic engine to the state is focused on improving student retention and success; offering outreach to the community of young children through adult learners; maintaining excellent undergraduate and graduate programs, while growing new interdisciplinary pathways to badges, credentials, and certificates; and providing for hands-on, innovative, technologically focused design and capstone projects. Several examples and success stories will be presented in this venue. These include, but are not limited to, collaborative work areas, incubator spaces, student success initiatives, a digital lab for Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) projects, programming and displays for building a culture of books/reading, and flexible environments for community connection. These unique spaces and services will enhance interdisciplinarity at MSU as well as increase institutional diversity and inclusion.
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    Open up your digital collection!
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-21) Wevers, Jessica
    This is not a poster, this is a quick guide to get you enthusiastic to start your own collaboration with creative students and artists. Three years ago the national libraries of Estonia, Austria and the Netherlands started rethinking their position in the digital age. And decided that to move forward we needed to make the digital tangible again. Create immersive experiences through creative installations and exhibitions by collaborating with these new target groups. We put out calls for web-residencies, stepped into the curriculum of an art academy and a technical university and we traveled through Europe to find the lessons learned on how to build a virtual lab. All these separate projects eventually created this big innovating energy that's in its final form a representation of what collaboration can create. Show the creative industry your (digitized) collection and they will give you new stories in many beautiful different forms, from augmented reality, to reflecting walls and satellite blow-ups. In the end its all about the stories behind the library collections and thanks to this experience we found new ways to tell them.
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    Sustainable Environmental Awareness Through Community Service Activities: Rangsit University Library (IFLA Green Library Winner Award 2020) Case Study
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-20) Pruegsasil, Narumon; Praditteera, Malivan; Prakonsi, Lamai; Tanrat, Dowrat; Kliangkaeo, Jureerat
    Rangsit University Library, the Winner of IFLA Green Library Award 2020 has started its friendly environmental activities since 2005 continuously including being assessed according to the green library standards of the Library Association of Thailand in 2017. Subsequently, activities were developed to become a green office according to the standards of the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand. Emphasizing the importance of good environmental management, the Library has been awarded the symbol G-Green (gold level - excellent) at the national level in 2019. The following year, the Library has been awarded the Winner of the 2020 IFLA Green Library Award. Rangsit University Library therefore has a body of knowledge in environmental management and has brought knowledge to the community by organizing various activities that provide knowledge and concepts to be able to implement for the benefit of the people in the community. The activities are conducted both internally and externally. For internal activities, it is an activity organized for groups of users within the university to participate, including faculty members, staff, and students. For external activities, there are activities organized for teachers, students in elementary schools around neighborhood such as Wat Rangsit School, Wat Kai Tia School and also government organizations such as the Juvenile Observation Center, Pathum Thani Province Government. Besides, the workshop for environment literacy, the activities are includes the DIY from trash recycling and upcycling, environmental friendly multipurpose liquid making, etc. Those activities will help these communities realize the value of environmentally friendly and create value for oneself and society for sustainable development and the importance of the environment. Rangsit University Library, not only academic and research supports but also provides services to the community. With various group of lecturers, students, and staff in the university and group of schools and organizations in neighborhood community, the library has collaborated and created partnerships in order to sharing the knowledge, experiences in environment conservation and management and fostering to achieve sustainable development in accordance with the goals of the UN SDGs. Rangsit University Library commits to serve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Since 2018, the library has organized and implemented many services and activities that supported the UN SDGs framework. In 2020, the Library served 9 UN SDGs and at present (2023), the 12 UN SDGs. Regarding the community services and activities in raising the sustainable environment awareness, the Library has supported at least 10 UN SDGs such as goal 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, and 14. These could emphasize that the Library realizes the important role of building a sustainable future for its society and community and the importance of creating partnership to achieve the global goals.
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    Pinakes Project: structuring of the Integrated Digital Ecosystem of Bibliographic Resources, technical and scientific, in Brazil
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-17) Batista de Assis, Tainá; Costa, Bruno
    The Pinakes Project congregates a set of actions for modernization of traditional bibliographic services from the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict), namely the National Union Catalog of Serial Publications (CCN), the Cooperative Cataloguing Network (Bibliodata) and the Bibliographic Commutation Program (Comut). The name Pinakes is a reference to the first known instrument of Bibliographic Control, which was proposed by Calimaco in the 3rd century BC. Going through study areas and related themes (non limiting) to Library Science, Information Science, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Linked Data, Web Semantics, Data Science, Gamification, Information Visualization, the Project also aims to make available to the community an Integrated Digital Ecosystem of Bibliographic Resources, technical and scientific, present in the Brazilian educational and research institutions' collections. The goal is to make available more than 5,5 million bibliographic records organized for free consultation and use. In this way, and considering the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Goals, specially Goal 16, The Pinakes Project aims to promote the organization, availability and accessibility to technical and scientific information, and contributes directly to the informational democratization and the generation of new knowledge.
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    Sharing the ASCL photo collection on Wikimedia Commons: what’s in for whom
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-17) Oberst, Ursula
    The African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) is a knowledge institute that undertakes research and is involved in teaching about Africa. It aims to promote the dissemination of knowledge and better understanding of African societies in the wider public sphere. Since 2015 the ASCL library has been uploading copyright cleared Africa photographs of its collection to Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia’s media repository. It thus makes them usable across all Wiki projects, as well as accessible at no cost to the general public. The ASCL Collection in Wikimedia Commons now contains well over 6,000 images. It comprises, among others, photos captured by Roel Coutinho during his work as a medical doctor in the liberated areas of Guinea-Bissau, in 1973 and 1974 as well as images taken by anthropologist Sjoerd Hofstra among the Poro and Mende in Sierra Leone in 1934 and 1935. The poster sketches the benefits of contributing to Wikimedia Commons for the ASCL library and libraries in general, the Wikimedia community as well as the depicted African societies.
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    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-17) Majuri-Jantunen, Hanna-Leena; Vuorinen, Mari
    The Compass8 library visit brings every eighth-grader in lower secondary school to the Jyväskylä City Library. The visit is part of Jyväskylä's cultural curriculum Compass, which covers comprehensive schools in Jyväskylä, and it's purpose is to open up the meaning of culture as a source of well-being. While the number of high-achieving readers in Finland remains high, the percentage of low-achieving readers has increased. At the same time, the number of library visits among youngsters seems to be decreasing. It is therefore particularly important at this point to remind these eight-graders of reading as a hobby and as a means of maintaining literacy. It is important to remind them of the library as an enabler of the above mentioned and as a place for leisure and civic activities. During the Compass8 library visit, the students get to know the modern library. They are introduced to independent use of the library by means of an escape room game. At the end of the visit, the students enjoy the modern library facilities and functions: music and karaoke room, board games – library as a living room. The Compass8 library visit encourages students to act and experience independently, to grow towards active citizenship.
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    Expect the unexpected: Redefining learning through art outreach programs
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-17) Lee, Tsai-Hua
    Dah Hsian Seetoo Library is a lakeside library in a lush green environment, located in Wenshan District famous for rich cultural and natural landscapes. This poster demonstrates how the library collaborates with local artists to organize outreach programs such as exhibitions featuring local painters, photography contests, outdoor sketching competitions, flower arrangement and painting workshops, and so on. These programs not only increase community engagement but also provide readers with alternative reading experiences that can broaden their minds through looking at the library from different perspectives or through participating in creative pursuits. Overall, the outreach programs attempt to shift the readers' impressions of a static traditional library to regard it as a growing organism that constantly evolves and adapts to the needs and interests of the community. The library's activities not only align with SDG 4: Quality Education by Advocating Lifelong Learning, but also aim to achieve SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being by providing opportunities for readers to relax and improve their mental and physical health through art appreciation and creation, especially in relation to mental health sub-targets. Furthermore, the activities encourage readers to cherish the natural environment and cultural landscape of their community, thus contributing to SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG 15: Life on Land.
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    SDGs corners of selected Academic Libraries in Accra: Nuggets for UniMAC-GIJ Library to engage clients
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-16) Nyantakyi-Baah, Lydia; Barfi, Faustina
    This poster presents the success stories, impact and way forward of SDGs corners of the Richard McMillan Library of UniMAC-Institute of Journalism and Methodist University Library, Accra Ghana. The SDGs corner is a joint project by the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) which supports academic libraries to dedicate spaces to showcase publications on SDGs. The corners provide promotional materials, training, research support, outreach services and awareness on SDGs. There are dedicated shelves which showcase publications on SDGs such as newsletters, reports, magazines, posters created by students etc. Among the success stories are increased access to publications and research support on SDGs projects with lifelong learning, digital inclusion and literacy skills. As part of the corner’s activities at the Institute, press -cutting service of media and newspaper coverage on all SDGs such as health, governance, gender, environment (illegal mining), water and sanitation, climate actions and food security are indexed. This is a web-based directory that facilitates access to news report and information for teaching, research, and learning. It is an annotated bibliography that serves as a source of comprehensive reference on SDGs for student, faculty, media and other practitioners. The impactful nature of the corners on research and learning requires redesigning and painting.
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    All Inclusive Engagement: Utilizing University Resources for Rural Public Library Outreach
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-16) Alford, Emily
    Libraries of all kinds have always depended on quality outreach. State-funded academic libraries, especially those involved in agreements such as the United States Federal Depository Library Program, expand this outreach to the greater community outside the walls of university affiliates. Universities have vast resources, however, which may not always be shared beyond their immediate locale. After being granted funds to engage more broadly throughout the state, Indiana University Libraries and the Indiana University Center for Rural Engagement proceeded in a project reaching public libraries and patrons across eleven counties. This poster will depict the valuable information gained, as well as connections made and successful programming.