Guidelines for continuing professional development in an online world
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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
The future of the LIS sector depends on well-trained professionals who have the knowledge and expertise to design and deliver information services that meet the current and future needs of their communities. Continuing professional development (CPD) is therefore a key element for everyone who is involved in learning and development: individual learners, employers, professional associations, LIS educators, and training providers. The principles and best practices relating to these stakeholder groups, presented in the IFLA Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development, seek to enable LIS professionals across the globe to enhance their professional practice.
However, in these uncertain times, the challenges of the digital shift have been highlighted for learning environments. The CPDWL section has therefore worked to revise the Guidelines to help LIS professionals develop more innovative content, promote the value of open educational resources, and stimulate engaging and interactive learning experiences. The poster aims to connect the global library community through increased awareness of the quality issues in online learning and to inspire new approaches to CPD. It is designed for display in library and information environments, physical and virtual, with the core ideas extended through translations into a myriad of other languages.
Subject::Library and information science education, Subject::E-learning, Subject::Continuing professional development, Subject::Information science