The IFLA ALP (Advancement of Librarianship in Developing Countries) Programme : A Bibliography 1966-1990

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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)


"The origin of this bibliography was a literature search carried out in connection with the ALP study - a study of the operation, funding and future programme of a permanent IFLA office to support the ALP Core Programme. The study was initiated by Sveriges Allmanna Biblioteksforening, the Swedish Library Association (SAB), by agreement with the IFLA Executive Board, funded by SIDA, the Swedish International Development Agency, and carried out by Birgitta Bergdahl, Chief Librarian at the University of Linkoping in Sweden. It was based at Uppsala University. The report of the study was published by Sveriges Allmanna Biblioteksforening as ALP. A proposal for the future (Stockholm 1990) and presented as a paper at the IFLA General Conference in Stockholm in August 1990 by Birgitta Bergdahl. Third world membership in IFLA is increasingly important, and has historically been surprisingly strong - two members out of 25 in the membership list published in 1931, 28 out of 116 members in the 1967 /8 membership list, 37 out of 262 in 1971, and 261 out of 1005 in 1981 . Presently almost 70% of the countries that have members in IFLA are third world countries. This has not however always meant, and still does not quite mean, correspondingly high numbers of participants at IFLA conferences or on standing committees, or a proportionate influence on decision-making." [Eve Johansson, from the Introduction]



Developing countries, Bibliography, Library and information history, Non-governmental organizations


The IFLA ALP Programme (Advancement of Librarianship in Developing Countries): A Bibliography 1966-1S90 / Prepared by Eve Johansson for the ALP Study. - The Hague : IFLA Headquarters, 1991. - 77 p.; 30 cm. - (IFLA Professional Reports : 26)
